Santanna Lewis
Santanna Lewis
So I know some of you have been following the story of my nephew Jeremiah. Well he had surgery today and it took about 3 hours for the surgery. And here is the update we got from the doctor when they started surgery.

Here is what they discovered....Jeremiah's spleen, stomach, large intestine and part of his liver and part of his small intestine were all up through the whole in his diaphragm and in his left lung cavity! They closed the whole with a patch...and due to everything being up in the chest his stomach didn't get big like a baby's should (the big belly) so he has a silo that has his insides in it and they will slowly work their way back into his stomach as room is made! Then the will go back in and close him all up. Still not out of the clear but he is better then he was this morning! Thank you everyone for ur support an prayers! The little fighter has quit the road ahead!

And on another note found out today that little miss Harmonie has the very beginning stages of a minor double ear infection. So she will be on meds for the next 5-7 days.

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