anybody else have an issue with upkeep of the house?? I could seriously spend all day cleaning and by the next morning its a disaster again. I'm a SAHM with a 5yo, 11mo, and 21.6weeks pregnant. my fiancé works fulltime 10hr days anywhere from 40-60 hrs a week. most of what I have to pick up is from him and my 5yo but he ALWAYS complains about the house being a mess if I skip a day because I don't feel good. I dont expect him to come home from a long day at work and deep clean the house by any means but lord have mercy how hard is it to pick up after yourself?!

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omg I HATE that!! he's always leaving his socks and underwear inside his jeans! our son does too! sooo frustrating!! lol @babygirl86
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
perfect example : him and his daughter always leave their dirty inside out and she leaves her panties in her jeans. he leaves his shirts inside out but it has been cold the past few nights so it's like 3 shirts inside each other that are inside out.what the crap? ?
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Mine works and helps a lot around the house but sometimes he gets in his moods where he gripes that things aren't done and it makes me feel lazy but sometimes I just want to have a lazy day and rest. plus he gets mad at me for lifting and doing things that I'm not supposed to but if I don't then it won't get done.ugh the struggle. lol
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Sounds exactly like my husband I'm in the same exact boat as you hon @bogmom2010
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
so glad I'm not the only one! lol @ab @babygirl86 I mean don't get me wrong I am so incredibly thankful that he works his ass off so I can stay home with our kids. however, it is NOT that hard to pick up after himself. I pick up after myself(and everyone else) no problem. it seems like unless i ask him to do something(and have to keep reminding him) it never gets done and I end up having to do it myself. all I ask is that when the laundry basket in our upstairs bathroom (which is mostly his work clothes) is full he brings it downstairs so I can do it, and k swear its like pulling freaking teeth. I've even tried not doing his laundry to see if it helped and he just complains more because he doesn't have clean work clothes.
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
right there with you
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Oh girl I just wrote a post about my husband kindly keeping the house clean for 2 days he had the nerve to say "I'll try." I have a 6 year old and soon to be 4 year old I'm over 36 weeks pregnant what I do is Monday's are my cleaning days and the rest of the week I just pick up vacuum and be sure to throw a load of wash in everyday I started buying paper plates because I'm sick of the amount of dishes my husband make
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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