mini rant: I feel like my husband wants to help but obviously can't I guess. he has sleep well over double what I have since baby boys birthday 3/4/16. my husband helps during the day but seriously is soooo useless at night. I can't get our son to successfully sleep in his bassinet for more than 15 min. . but if he is on someone he sleeps for 2 or 3 hours. and I just wanted 1 damn hour of good sleep. so I woke him up and asked him to focus on baby only for like 1 hour. . he says yes. then lays back down to! does nothing to help.

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^^ Yess seriously. Men really don't understand the emotional and physical strain we go through. It's like I just gave birth, I'm still emotionally/ physically healing from that and now I'm trying to learn along side a baby who is still brandy new to this world. Just breath. Let your baby sleep the best way your baby sleeps it's okay. But remember to breath and communication i know it's so hard especially when they don't understand.
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Men need it spelled out sometimes...I would just politely say I need some sleep so I can take care of our child...can you please take them into the living room and watch them while I sleep a couple hours. If that doesn't work in the morning when he's awake I'd have a serious talk about your needs.
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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