it really bothers me when people don't even attempt to breastfeed and then use government money to pay for their child's formula. I'm not trying to bad mouth anyone on here who does that. because I don't know if any of you do. but I do know people who do around me.
I just feel if you can't afford to bottle feed you need to do everything possible to breastfeed and not give up after the first sign of difficulty. and don't give your baby a bottle when you haven't established breastfeeding because you screwed yourself over

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@theemmariefactor, just saying feed the dang babies, going to straight to formula or not and not trying breast smh
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
No her problem is with people who can't afford formula, don't even bother trying to breastfeed and then go right to the government for assistance without attempting to feed their baby with their own body free. Smh. @babyluca
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
so your problem here is ppl who use the government for WIC, food stamps, housing, insurance, ect. not that ppl choose to breastfeed or formula feed! that is a big difference. and to me should've been worded a lot differently. what your also saying is ppl who are on foodstamps are the same way because they will not find a job that pays more money 😏. or find a job that offers better insurance so ppl arnt on gov assistance.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kelseys, i know, i was just saying just be happy people are feeding their babies lol if they can afford it or not
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@theemmariefactor, my point entirely. everyone is just jumping at me saying I was bashing mom's. when I said it bothered me that they didn't try. and everyone who got on me about it did they tried!!!
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@sexxymama83, your completely right.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah I understand that, just sometime there is no other option. I am not one for asking for help, however I did with that cuz them being fed is far more important than my ego
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kelseys, but that's just it its not wrong..... If that's the case WIC wouldn't even exist. It's wrong for people to do a lot of things they can't afford. But don't bash a woman for trying to feed her child..... Regardless of how she does it. But I digress.... Smh
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@twinmamma2015, thank you. and I didn't mean it was wrong for them to formula feed I just felt they should try the free method first before getting wic.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@madelynnb, thank u. I need the luck!
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Omg I'm pretty sure you said you have a problem with people who don't attempt to breastfeed and make the government pay for their kids formula. Not that you took issue with people who couldn't for any reason omfg.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommybump2016, @sexxymama83 @babyluca I think what she's trying to say is that its wrong for women to formula feed if that can't afford it, not so much that formula is bad..... not that you guys are wrong for what you commented but just trying to help you better understand what she might have meant
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you @chocolatechild I hope your transition becomes easier for you. best of luck
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
some cases though there isn't much of a choice. like I did try to breastfeed and failed miserably at it, however I had some complications and I was trying to breastfeed twins for the very first time, they were my first. So WIC definitely helps a lot however one of my boys needs to be on an organic formula and WIC doesn't cover that. so I'm still am paying 30 a can for it.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
If you're going to post an opinion, expect people to respond with their opinion. I understand what you mean but everyone has a different situation. Some people don't give breastfeeding much of a chance and they go straight to formula (I agree). Most people see formula vs breastfeeding as an option so they're going to go for what seems most convenient for them. In my situation... I have to wean my baby from the breast bc I need to start back working. Sometimes I wish I would have stuck with the bottle/formula bc it's SO hard to break that attachment.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was not putting down any mothers. i did not say anything that bashes anyone. I said it bothers me. you saying that I was ignorant is actually bashing me.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
WIC is set up for women who wants to do either or. It's not your job to put those ladies down. Shame on you! If they don't want to breastfeed they don't have too. To each their own...... Not everyone wants to breastfeed. Breastfeeding moms are not Gods nor are they better than those that choose to breastfeed. Please do not come on here telling these young ladies that they should be ashamed for 'running' to the government if they choose to formula feed when the government wants them to do just that! That's why they offer formula
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
iv breast fed and formula fed my kids. not everyone gets the chance to breast feed, everyone has their reasons why they breastfeed and why they formula feed. why they co-sleep and don't co-sleep. why some parents send their kids to daycare and some don't or why some kids go to private school, public school or those who are home schooled. you can't put down the mothers who choose what they want for their babies! what if someone has to go back to work right away?? its not good to pump for the first 6weeks. what your saying is ignorant. js
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@madelynnb, oh jeez you took that hella wrong
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyluca, I didn't say not to feed your baby! and I'm not saying it does matter. I said it bothers me. if you don't agree you don't have to comment or like the post. you can simply keep scrolling.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I get your point. but I don't think everyone's first reaction is to get WIC right away. well at least for me it wasn't. I didn't start getting WIC till 2months after I was buying formula and it was almost $100-$150 a week.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
as long as baby is fed it shouldn't matter
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kelseys, obviously you tried to breastfeed so that is okay. that doesn't bother me. it bothers me when people don't even attempt to. or just say well I can get wic so I don't have to worry about it.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
whatever parents decided to do, breast or formula, there's nothing wrong with it. there's some people who can't for medical reasons, I can't because I never had enough so my son started become lethargic because he wasn't getting anything. not everyone is comfortable with it either, and yes I know women have done it since the beginning of time but times are different now and more advanced. but formula is expensive, so I get WIC. But formula is starting to be more and more advanced to be just like breast milk. it doesn't mean anyone is less than because they don't breastfeed or didn't try and have government help to buy milk
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Why would anyone bother breastfeed when they can feed their kid without the effort for free? It's sickening. I feel the same way.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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