ok ladies i need your input. i had my son jan 5th. i stopped bleeding around 3 weeks post baby. and now it has started back but im not bleeding for real. when i wipe its pink. not a lot but enough to annoy me and have to wear a small pad. my son will be 2 months march 5th. its been like this for the past 2 weeks. i didnt have this with my other 2 so im just wondering if its my peroid coming or i might be pregnant again.... *any negitave comments and you will be blocked but cussed out before i block you✌

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@shaeewow3.29.15 i think im going to give it another week and take one.
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ginag918, i got pregnant with my first son while i was breastfeed my daughter. but me and my childrens father have been seperated for a month and just seen each other a few time since i moved out so hopefully its my peroid about to come on.
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Lmao I thought breastfeeding meant you were less likely to get pregnant because I am 10 months into breastfeeding and we don't use protection nor am I on BC and I get my period every month lol maybe I'm just lucky but I swore I ready that you're less likely to get pregnant while BF but everyone is different I've seen breastfeeding moms on here who are pregnant so I would just take a test and end the suspense 😊
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@brittany_leigh, could be a sign or you could have a very smart little baby that's figuring things out early! I'd give it a week or so to see how it goes and then take a test to be sure. :)
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
That happened to me then I got my period a week later .
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mshort44, see and mu 1 month old is doing things he shouldnt do. he is holding his head up perfectly fine. cooing when you talk to him. teying to hold his bottle (with help) but even his grandma said he is moving out thr way so thats what got my mind going.
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@wayloncruze12.1, @proudmommyofdeilamonae thank yall. i know they said when your breastfeeding you are more pron to get pregnant and i was worried that was it since i still breastfeed my son. but hopefully my peroid is about to come on.
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@brittany_leigh, when mine was like that I was pregnant again. I had my first Jan 24th and my second Jan 3rd the next year, so exactly 3 weeks before my first turned one.
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
It may just be your hormones getting back in order? I'm not really sure, I'm 3 mnths post baby, but I read that it takes at least 18 months for your body to be back to normal
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
you could be just spotting lightly before you period . I came on twice after I had her ...
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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