ok ladies this is a little tmi question i have been to the hospital for a migraine that wouldn't go away they checked me because i was having contractions as well im 34 weeks today i lost my mucus plug on tues and now i have diarrhea sorry like i said tmi can anyone tell me if they had the same thing happen to them when they checked me i was 80% effaced them cervix length was 2cm and i was dilated on the outside but not inside idk if that makes sense to anyone but this is pregnancy #5 baby #4 ... Thanks in advance

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@bellaandkyransmommy, baby is down really low so im not sure
26.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
i am 32 weeks i went to the hospital for having contractions and i was 2 cm dilated 30% effaced and my baby was station +2 but they sent me home
26.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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