really thinking about adopting a baby I'm over trying its been over two years and still nothing I've took everything under the sun to help and so has my hubby does any one in TN know how to adopt ?
you can choose age range and the levels..and of course a kid from foster care can have mental problems but any kid can.I got to know some really great kids on foster care...and surrogate's get paid more for each kid they have along with the fact you not only pay for all the medical but clothes and for carrying its a pain to become one because you have a lot you have to do as well.
if I could do somthing like that I'd they could afford it I'd charge 1000 and that's it but if they couldn't ID do it for free as long as they paid for the stuff I needed to take care of the baby and make sure it's healthy
I wouldn't mind it either way baby or a child but over 5 really under stands what's going on and some of them have to have mental help and honestly I'm scared of that kind of stuff my best friend was adopt by her 6th foster home and she was gonna try killing her so I don't want that in my house if we make her or him mad by saying no I know any child could do somthing like but it just would worry me to much that why I'd prefer some one under 5 so they can learn that we will always be mom and dad and @jessicahartze we thought about a serget but we can't find any one who would charge 100000 $$ ppl are crazy with it if we could find some one who would do it for free and we Pat for all the medical bills food that she need meds she needs and all that we could do that but there is no one that wil