Miss Allie Jo Mae ❤
She was born 2/19/2016 weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long.
Labor was pretty painful..after the balloon Thursday night..then breaking my water around noon that Friday, I had contractions all day that were 1-2 minutes apart and getting stronger with each one but never progressed past a 3.5! Hubby and family were very proud because the only meds I got were through my IV which don't really take the pain away..well after 8 hours of serious contractions my doctor decided having a c-section would be best since we weren't really sure why I wasn't getting anywhere. During my cesarean, it was found out that my poor baby girl was stuck at the top of the birth canal and she was trying to go through at an angle..so there was no was to have avoided a section..
It was emotional for me because I really wanted to go naturally..but after hearing that first cry and seeing her gorgeous face, I'm glad we did what was safe because now I have a beautiful baby girl! (:
me too! thank you! @djm