I'm 6DPO but my cervix feels open??? I'm gonna stop checking bc it freaks me out and I don't understand it! But now I'm anxious isn't that against anything that should be happening now?? Pregnant or not cervix should be closed after o. Right??
It's not like I can put a whole finger in but the tip sort of goes in a little bit. I'm totally done checking it I just don't know what I'm looking for haha. @mommabird
Do you just feel like a hole or indention? That's normal. If there is space all around, to the point you can put a finger in, then it's open. If it were open though, you would also be bleeding.
I know how u feel it's a nerve racking thing planning a pregnancy. .I was advised to decrease my stress continue Taking my folic acid and stay busy so your mind won't be stuck on am I or am I not..few days left til u can test ..good luck