After last week and being told that I was starting to dilate I went back to the doc this week and was told I'm at a one. And on top of that I have been losing my plug since Friday. More and more keeps coming out. I have a lot of sever pressure but not much for contractions. I have never been able to really dilate on my own until this pregnancy. They told me that if I go into labor they will not stop me. And now today I just feel very very off, I feel like I just want to get sick and I have never felt like this before. Is it normal to feel this way when coming up to going into labor?

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Last night I forced my self to eat bc I just " wasn't " hungry. And this morning I felt the same way but again forced my self to eat something. I think I am getting very close just by how I feel but I've never felt this way. And thank you. :)
19.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I felt very sick the night before I had my first! I actually couldn't hold down dinner that night either! I was also very tired that day!
You could be very close!! :) Good luck
19.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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