Something that always sounds good to eat is a nice fresh deli sandwich... But a cold one. Not with warm meat 🙄 do u mommies ever break the "rules" and eat lunch meat or other things they say you shouldn't really??
you will laugh, my bf n I tried to make the eggless cookie dough, and it turned into eggless cookie goop. it just would NOT turn into dough haha it was almost like cool whip
@jessicahartze, yea totally and I have to remind myself that my mom has never heard of that lol which means back when she was prego and people her age were they ate deli meat without any worries lol
@jessicahartze, also on Pinterest they have recipes for eggless cookie dough and it's actually reallllly good. Just thought I'd let you know just cause lol
@jessicahartze, my last pregnancy I would every once in awhile eat a sandwich and yessss cookie dough 😍 and he's perfectly fine, I just feel bad I guess since they say something bad couldddd possibly happen lol