Alright mommies so I have a question. Well a few questions actually. First let me start by telling you I have a VERY active 5 year old boy. He is in Kindergarten this year and they chart their behavior at school on a green(good), yellow(needed some redirection), or red(bad) day. I have started to really notice a change in his behavior over the past few months(coming home with more red days) and his behavior at home has been off the charts(yelling, throwing tantrums, slamming things, newly pulling his hair when he gets mad). He is ALL BOY and has been for as long as I can remember. He has a really rough time not interrupting people when they are talking even though he's been taught since we could talk that interrupting is rude. I've started researching things about dye sensitive and was curious if anyone has a child with it? if so how did you find out they had it? Is it just a trial and error kind of thing to see which dye he may be sensitive to?