I know everyone is different, I got mine back at 7 weeks and had it 4 separate times and my son is only 3 months old (11/3/15) I had the mirena put in last week and I haven't had any problems with it. and knock on wood I haven't had a period again since. I was on the mini pill but if you don't take it at the same times everyday it doesn't work. (I exclusively pump since my son never latched)
Really?😊 and I haven't gotten it yet, you have to wait like 2 weeks after it's ordered. I've heard so many different things about it but it seems like the best choice. I'm breast feeding as well so there aren't very many options! My ob suggested the mini pill but its likes 60% effective and I said hell no that's even scarier than using condoms lol!
@mommy_faith, that's hilarious, I only have one and I feel you on that haha. my ob told me to wait until I come back in March (I was having supply issues) to be put on bc. so it's killing me not knowing haha. Have you had problems with your IUD? I'm contemplating that or the shot.
I have a two year old and a 3 month old, I told my husband that if we had another one right now he would have to commit me to a mental hospital lol I asked my doctor about it and she said that using condoms isn't as affective as people think as I was like please put my IUD in right this second🙏lol
@mommy_faith, so glad I'm not alone haha! we use protection but it still seems to worry me so much! especially when you hear mom say they got pregnant early while breastfeeding. I love being a mom but no more right now, no thankkkkkk youuuu. lol