every time we have had an ultra sound or gone to hear heartbeat doc says our baby is a crazy little mover. so I know I have an active little baby I just couldn't feel it til couple days ago. I can't wait til I can feel baby more often. @caytlinn14
Our litlle one cant stop moving i started to feel movements when i was only 14 wks but we still cant get baby to kick hard enough yet for dad to feel on the outside of my tummy @allie3340
I actually just felt baby for first time on Friday. so no my husband hasn't. especially since I only feel baby randomly during the day. what about you? @caytlinn14
lucky!! we have our ultrasound on the 26th but only my friend is finding out the sex cuz the next day were having a gender reveal party to find out. seems so far away lol @caytlinn14