so I was up a lot last night and the show I didn't know I was pregnant was on, how is it possible to have period like bleeding every month the entire pregnancy yet the doctor at the end of the show says it's not a period it's just monthly bleeding and period symptoms!!!????! I don't get it. the last one was a lady who had a tubal ligation almost 15 years ago and she was "bleeding" monthly but missed a month here and there she had gained tummy weight and felt movement but every test she took was negative she chalked the movements up to gas and her bleeding to premenopausal saying that she used to be so regular with her periods but she was 33 years old. the doctor at the end if that episode said a tubal ligation done at a c section and done when she was 20 had a higher failure rate!!!!! be careful ladies seems nothing is 100% I am just so confused at the bleeding like a period, negative pregnancy tests etc.... what are your thoughts??

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I've actually heard of that, if your doctor didn't find it concerning than I would just monitor it.
12.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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