This is for every1 who is confused by this because I have been the midwife today who said the baby is really low & nearly fully engaged, when I checked my notes it said 4/5 engaged! But when I googled it had a lot of mixed thoughts on what way round they read it! .. Gladly this does mean 4/5 of her head is in the pelvis & engaged... Progress 😊
I was 3/5 engaged from 28 weeks and gave birth at 41 +1 from an emergency induction.. it doesn't mean nothing I had my hopes up that he would come about 37 weeks but never happened lol xx
I don't know if it means we could go early @lozzakeenan jus means they r nearly ready to go but suppose they could stay there for aslong as they want I'm not sure 😕 xx
Aw I don't want her to come too early but I'm 37 weeks on Monday but havin a few signs but your never know with these baby's they come when they are ready @winterbaby95 xx