so from breastfeeding to this because she is always crying, gassy and fussing. hoping this works. she has an appointment tomorrow because of it but mommy and daddy decided to switch just to try. anyone else had good results using this??
I use it, my daughter is fine with it, babies get gas regardless but her gas is very mild now. She used to be in pain with the regular similac so WIC gave this to me. I think it works nicely and she sleeps heavier with formula, so I like to give it to her at night and try to give her my breastmilk to balance it out, breastmilk is easier for them to digest and it helps her poop, a constipated baby is a miserable baby.
@indiaann, I didn't want to switch either but I'm sick and my medicine decreases my supply. I've tried fenugreek, oatmeal, everything 😕 that and she has RSV so she is spitting up a lot of my breast milk and I just can't keep up!!