Haley pennell
Haley pennell
so what do you other mommies think about putting tubes in your child's ear. my son is 7 months, has had 4 ear infections since he's been born. his Dr sent us to a ear specialist and he suggested putting tubes in his ears and while he's in surgery they want to look at his adenoids and possibly shrink them because of his sinuses have been bad. I have no clue what I'm going to do and this summer will be his first and I don't want him to miss out on things with worrying about his tubes getting wet. should I wait atleast until he's a year old? I'm scared of putting my baby asleep.I know nothing about tubes I'm still researching them. you can tell I'm a ftm so any opinions?

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my neice had them put in around that age, and she did great it didn't stop her from anything, even the pool. we kept ear plugs and cotton balls with us all for the summer bc u never no when u suddenly want to play in water! :) she perked up to bc she wasn't constantly in ear pain.
05.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
my son now 5 years old suffered from ear infections since he was a baby . I meet my so when he was one and his sister is a chiropractor and I was telling her and when he got his next ear infection she adjusted him and hours later he didn't complain anymore. he got one a couple of months ago and she did the same adjusted him and he was I'm so much pain and after that his like mommy it don't hurt anymore. u should look into a pediatric chiropractor and research about ear infections and chiropractor. .
05.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had tubes in my ears as a kid, i wore ear plugs whenever i went swimming but even to this day i still get ear infections really often especially when i swim a lot.
05.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
my little brother had them he was fine and yes ear plugs but it's better to do it as a child bc it's an easier brother was able to have his removed later on
05.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think you can put ear plugs in his ear if he goes swimming my aunt did it with my cusin he had tubes in his
05.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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