I have to admit, we were a little crazy with how much we exercised too. he kinda fell off the exercise bandwagon, but I still go out every day. he only goes for a short walk when his sugars get a bit high lol!!
I have been doing the olive oil for. awhile now. i have been eating healthier this past year but since i have pcos i wasnt loosing weight and the metformin is helping @kattastrophe
my husband got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in June (middle of my pregnancy ) so we got on the high protein/fiber, low-carb diet. I absolutely love it too. I don't miss all the bread and rice as much as I thought I would... we also sub out butter for olive oil often. go through almost a liter a week. my husband dropped 50lbs, and I dropped my pregnancy weight no problem too.
so it's good? it doesn't have that diet taste? I have GD and gotta watch what I eat...and I'm tired of eating and drinking the same stuff everyday...I need to try something new lol