yes I'm really nervous about doing c section since I'm already big pre pregnancy and I have a one year old as well to chase after so recovery is going to be crazy but my last two kids got stuck and came out not breathing so he is measuring bigger then them and I don't want him getting stuck so I know it's best to do it just hope it doesn't get too be Too much ! I'm 1Cm dilated but you can stay that way the rest of pregnancy so it doesn't make me any happier lol I'm beyond ready. my feet and legs are swellen so bad I can barley walk . so hopefully everything goes good. I have an appointment tomorrow and I suppose just speaking to him about what he wants to do @cnewell23
@randirenee, :/ awe man that stinks. I go for me next ultrasound wed I hope he's not to big but I have a feeling he is since he was already 3 lbs 3 oz when I was 29 weeks and I feel like I am starting to gain weight like crazy...but on a good note at least you only have a couple of more weeks
Oh @randirenee that is a different story. I didn't know you had GD. Well Fx for you that this lil one is healthy and problem free when born. I have been extremely blessed that I've had no problems or had to worry about much throughout my 4 pregnancies. I forgot at times I'm weird and have none of the symptoms or stresses that 90% of pregnant women have. GL and sending happy healthy baby dust to you and your little. 😉
yes I will stress it. I have GD and all of my kids have been very big and have complications!!!! most of my ultrasounds also have been accurate all of my kids ! @crazymommy04
It's really not accurate. My last baby was measuring big to at this time. Doc said he was gonna weigh over 9lbs when born. He was 6lbs 14oz when he was born @38 weeks. I wouldn't stress about it honestly.