So this morning when I woke up I started feeling nauseous and have had a major migraine. Well the feeling has lasted all day so far and I have a feeling it isn't going away. I'm 39 W and 3 D. Is this normal?
Oh wow. I haven't had false labor but I understand just wanting it to be over sometimes. I hate feeling like a truck or the slightest movement will either benefit you or hurt you. I haven't felt with nausea since 6 weeks of pregnancy. And I won't have it during the day just randomly when I wake up. I'm sorry your having a hard time 😕
I have been diagnosed with migraines but the nausea just came out of no where. I've been having signs of false labor but keep getting sent home from the hospital because my contractions aren't close enough and my cervix isn't dilating. I'm so frustrated and ready to be done😪 @megbaby07
I have that problem as well, randomly these past few days I'll wake up and feel so sick to my stomach that I force myself back to sleep so it will go away. And I've waken up to migraines for no reason and had to sleep it off as well, I would love to know why as well 😟