Question: my 2 month old baby has been fussing, n pooping alot n chewing on her fingers is the only way she stop fussing can anyone tell me what is wrong wit her:(
Nope she was teething until 7 months and both her bottom teeth came out at the same time and the teething got a lot worse 2 weeks before they started to come threw. Like no sleep not trying to eat, fever, and non stop crying it was horrible!!
It's teething my daughter started teething at 2 months. Those are all the signs of teething. They start to poop more and more watery bc they are producing so much saliva. They put their fingers in their mouth to stop scratch and bite, teething toys help but at 2 months they don't have good hand to mouth coordination so I recommend teething drops, open pacifier filled with frozen milk
being fussy and chewing on her fingers could possibly mean she's teething. although 2m is a little young. maybe since she's popping more, she's getting hungry faster and needs to be fed more often? How much do you feed her? @mya2015