Hi guys :) I'm keeping something in mind since we found out about my second pregnancy. I'd like to share. It's impossible to describe every detail of my medical history, but I'll try to make it as clear as possible.
Well, I'm kind of balancing between 👍being sure that this pregnancy is going to work out great and 👎 not hoping too much. And it bugs me, I'd like to stay positive, it would be so much easier. But that's how I feel, and what makes me think so is:
1. Spotting. I had this with my first pregnancy. Totally the same picture. Only I've been taking progesterone pills right after ovulation and till the day 25. Then I stopped cuz I didn't know I got pregnant until the 30th day of the cycle. So I when I found out, I was forced to keep using them to save the pregnancy. And this second pregnancy is completely natural but the spotting is still here. But I have to admit the amount decreases very slowly and it becomes lighter. From brown in the beginning to light-grey-orange 😬 now.
2. I had endometriosis and adenomiosis, maybe they're responsible for the spotting.
3. I went to see my tiny one at 5 weeks and 4 days to make sure he's doing ok. And the sonogram doc said everything looks ok, even the heart is working. So...
4. I don't know why I'm writing all this. I guess I just want feel more sure about this whole pregnancy thing.
Sorry for long text.
And it's good to write things down just for the history.

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