Good afternoon mommies!
I've been having a really hard time emotionally adapting to being pregnant. I am 20. All of my friends are about the same age, where all we used to do was party, smoke, drink, be stupid.. and my world completely changed overnight. I feel like I need to make new friends? because all of mine are still in their 20's and will continue to do stupid things regardless of me. I can't seem to balance out the friendships.. I do care about all of them.. but I'm not at that point anymore.. I feel like none of them consider my feelings or my life now.. I just want to meet some mommies out here so I can feel normal with someone again..
8.2 лет

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I got pregnant at 18 I definitely lost a ton of "friends" but we've moved on fine! I'm happy that you chose to move on from that lifestyle! stay strong girl!!!

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I got pregnant at 18 I definitely lost a ton of "friends" but we've moved on fine! I'm happy that you chose to move on from that lifestyle! stay strong girl!!!

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Same for me I'm 26 and my friends and siblings party a lot. I have no mommy friends (17 weeks) I've just been hanging with my man. Keep your head up girl. You will meet moms out there 😀. Stay healthy:)

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same happened here except I'm a lil older lol..I'm also 20 weeks and expecting a baby girl @veda1010 it's harsh when u see ppls true colors..but now u got all of us here on preggie for support😊 good vibes and blessings ur way

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all of you are so amazing! I'm very happy to have so much support! @c.f1023 Hello :) @babymay2016 thank you so much.. @chloe_faith2016 thank you!@annmommy2be Hello. I would love some new friends!

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hey girl I'm 20! we can be friends (:

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I'm right there with you girl, it's hard! ❤️

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Just FYI you have to put @ and someones name for them to be notified of your response. But yes I can't do anything I used to do anymore. We used to go to shows and pool halls all the time, and I can't go anymore... My boyfriend tries to find places where we can still go that do not smoke inside, but still haven't found one. I am also looking for mommy friends but I'm sick a lot and just stay home anyways. It is a very tough change.

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I feel the same way! I went to a local show that we all used to go to.. and everyone smoked inside.. it makes me so sad and angry.. I do the same thing.. I stay home and stay to myself because I know my friends don't care...

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Hey my name is Cyra and I am 21 and I had a hard adjusting too. If you need someone to talk to I am here

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I feel the exact same, though I haven't really found any new friends. I have seen some old ones but yes they don't care about anything but themselves, and don't know what it feels like to put someone before themselves, like how being a mother feels. They would still smoke around me and drink and do whatever. I pretty much just sit at home alone, because that's what is best for my son. I went out on New Years Eve and people were smoking cigarettes inside. My boyfriend goes "HEY she's pregnant!" and they're all like "Yeahhh, sooo." You can't get someone without a child to feel how we feel, so I just spent my evening outside where it was 20°. I stick to myself now. The change is very hard, but all I think about is my son now and this is what I have to do.

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I'm Veda. :)

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I'm here 💯 hi I'm Priscilla

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