Kelsey Faye
Kelsey Faye
you know, I love my son to death, to the moon and back! But sometimes I need a break! Not just from him, but because I work my butt off every day of the week to be able to provide for him and do EVERYTHING for that boy. not complaining because that is what mother's do! but I need a break here and there to keep my sanity. we all do, right?! My mom watched the baby tonight and I came in kinda late to pick him up, and she got so mad! I came home at 9:30, I left at 6:30 to go to a movie for my brothers birthday... she made me feel so bad about myself as a mother and a daughter....

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I know how you feel. I'm a single working mother and I have no time for myself. I love being a mom and love my daughter. But I get it. My parents watch her once a month so I can do something for myself :)
23.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
excacly @marleiismama it's not easy and need some us mommy time. we're not like daddy's and can leave whenever without the baby haha
23.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's okay we all deserve a break being a mom is so much work . We needs lives too
23.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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