Catlin 🌻
Kennedi has a upset tummy 😩 she's alittle constipated I think bc she's crying and trying to poop but nothing but gas comes out. the doctor gave me gas drops but I don't think she has a problem with gas it's the poop. she's only a week old and I hate to see her cry in pain and nothing i can do but hold her and comfort her.
8.2 лет

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Gas drops helped my daughter to poop most times. Also you could try using a q tip with Vaseline on the tip and only insert the tip but be ready cause that can work instantly

8.2 лет Нравится Ответить



Gas drops helped my daughter to poop most times. Also you could try using a q tip with Vaseline on the tip and only insert the tip but be ready cause that can work instantly

8.2 лет Нравится Ответить