So my little piglet is 9 weeks and already fussing to eat solid foods! Of course he's too young for it and I will remain breastfeeding him but every time I eat he smacks his lips and fusses. If I multitask and breastfeed him while im eating or drinking he'll unlatch himself, stare, reach and fuss. Lol. Has anyone experienced this before?

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Oh that's awesome I'll definitely look for it. thanks a bunch! 😄 @junesmommy15
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I would rather you not give it to him that way. Try to find the food feeder. Walmart and most department stores have it. It's better so that they don't choke. I think the one I got was $4.
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I will do my best! 😄 thank you for the advice and the breast milk cubes sound like an awesome idea; it would give him the idea that he's eating with mommy which he seems to want so badly. would you recommend it this early for him? if I gave him a little in a slush-like consistency? @junesmommy15
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Nothing really. I have a food feeder that I would put frozen breast milk cubes in to let him chew on. Other than that nothing. We have to be strong momma😁💪. No matter how hard it is. In my honest opinion and many doctors, solids aren't really good for babies before 6 months. Even afterwards it can cause problems. My baby has been constipated since starting solids and all I give him is fruits but mostly vegetables. It is best to breastfeed as long as possible without solids. When the time comes, do a little here and there.
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I try not to eat in front of him but sometimes it doesn't work out that way @junesmommy15
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm a first time mom so all of this is new to me. Is there anything special you did to calm your little one when that happened? @junesmommy15
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
My baby did that! It made me feel bad but I was determined to wait. Even at 7 months his body has to get use to solids because they can really mess them up. I wouldn't recommend any solids until 6+.
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
lol awww! I think I'll give that a try next month then, sometimes he'll cry and I laugh because it's adorable but I feel bad that he can't have any yet @juanitalupita
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
yesss ! ive gaven him a little apple & natural foods to taste because i just felt so bad lol but I didn't do it til 3 months
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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