This time around I'm at a better hospital too. I was dilated to a 2 and 90% when they started but baby wasn't ready and by the time he was, he was too stressed and they lost his heartbeat. It was 6 years ago and I dont think now they let you got passed 24 hours before they just do a c section. I know a lot of hospitals now have a time limit because of liability. But I do know induction does increase chances of c sections. Make sure you eat before you go in they won't let you eat until you give birth. Whatever happens happens and just know they baby will get here and be safe. Don't stress during labor either.
@sparnell, fortunately i am at a much better hospital than a military hospital. and im already effaced and body has just been under stress so he said i can be induced
@brittneybryant92, I was induced with my first.. I don't want to scare you but it was a military hospital. Worst decision of my life was to get induced... 3 days of labor and it ended with an emergency c section. This time I'm trying for a vbac natural. Good luck girl.