I need your opinion mommies... Huggies diapers or pampers? & why? My daughter really hasn't been a delicate baby she wears any brand I just want opinions on why you chose your brand over another... ☺️
Just looked it up, Huggies snug and dry is what I use for my daughter and they're the bomb! Maybe try buying a different type of Huggies next time? 😊 Parents Choice and Seventh Generation also has really good diapers!
Which Huggies tho???? I HATE the Huggies little snugglers! They leak like crazzzzyyyy!!! I don't remember the name of the other ones but they have Mickey Mouse all over them, they're Huggies and I love them! My daughter can pee multiple times in the middle of the night and she's never soaked.
@queendavis, I had soooo many NB boxes of huggies & returned them... This is my first box size 1 & I hate them!!! Everytime I open up her diapers her booty is moist lol
@tracykendyllmallory, they have a line?! Lol I did not notice! Why didn't anyone tell me this?! Lol.. Then again I probably didn't read it on the box lmao
I use Huggies little movers because they have double straps on them, which means my two year old can't rip them off! 😂 I also use Huggies for my newborn, I've just always liked the brand and it's never given my kids rashes or anything so I continue to use them. They're kind of expensive though 😩
I use luvs pampers or Huggies, luvs are much lighter and hold really well Huggies do seem like they get heavy really quickly, it's what I'm using currently and I love pampers! and hospital would recommend them
i choose huggies because she got a rash with pampers but i got pampers as a gift so i had to use them lol, but overall i always choose to buy huggies for my los since when i didnt have kids lol
I hate that! I did the same thing with Huggies and I was like great now I have to use them all and I hate them lol @lilshortgirl @valerie_jean what brand do you like the best?
I do pampers or luvs, my baby girl has sensitive skin like super sensitive and the buggies gives her rashes both the diapers and the wipes but luvs and pampers have not given her any rashes what so ever
Pampers are the only diapers I use! Both my girls pee through pretty much all the other brands especially Huggies! Pampers just fit them so much better and they never leak through!