Angie 😈❤
Angie 😈❤
took my son to e.r Saturday 1am. he had a fever of 103. they decided to admit him. I'm staying in the hospital with him. his fever goes up and down. they still don't know what it is, obviously a virus. we are staying till tomorrow, but if he's fever goes up again we wont. this by far hardest thing I've had to go thru with my kids. I never went thru this with my 2 yr. he never got a fever this young. my bbys only 3 months. having to watch the nurses poke him to find a vein was the worse. I know they are doing there job, but it still hurts me to see my 3 month old baby go thru so much. I miss my 2 yr old so bad as well. I jus need to have faith, I've been praying all day.

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ik this was back in January but it is hard watching ur baby go through that and u can't do anything to help besides be there when my son was first born they would have to put in a new iv about everyday because he was so active and would end up blowing his vain I would say u would be praying for ur little one but I think her over it by now? lol
06.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
hands foot and mouth starts out with a fever and a rash and leads into blisters but it cures itself within around 7 days. if he doesn't have a rash he doesn't have it.
rsv is a respitory virus that attacks the lungs and vocal cords. my brother was coughing and breathing funny so we took him in
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
no nothing they haven't said. he doesn't have any rash. what's rsv? and hands foot ? mouth disease? @chhaya
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
does he have anything going on with his lungs or a rash or anything?
my little brother got rsv at 2 months old and my son got hands foot and mouth disease last month, both of which are viruses.
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
no!! they jus said s virus. we are waiting for the bold culture results. but so far everything been negative. I wish I knew what it was already so they can treat him.
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Do the doctors have any idea what could be wrong?
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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