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This is me, no make up, no filters, just me. I'm a hard worker and I do everything to provide for my beautiful daughter who is the biggest blessing of my life! 💕 most of you are lucky enough to be with the father of your children, and I unfortunately was not, I gave everything and all I had into a relationship that I thought was going to last. We ended when I was 2 months pregnant and the man I ounces loved with all that I am changed, he was so angry all the time and still is, he treats me horribly. I get verbally abused by this man. He says he wants to help me take care of our daughter yet he moved to California and doesn't even text or call me to see how his daughter is doing, he can't respect me at all and sometimes it tears me apart.. How can it not? I had never wanted to have a child and not be with the father it's just heart breaking to me and it killed me for the longest time. I pretended to be happy for so long, but now that he's gone and I don't talk to him I'm so much more happier, I don't fake being happy. My life is coming together! I'm getting my diploma this year! I may be a year later then some of my friends but I'm still doing it!! And I wanna tell every momma out there single mother or not that we are all still capable of making a difference not only in ourselves and our children but in the world still! We weren't just made to change diapers we can still do something for others in need or for ourselves! We are fearfully and wonderfully made!! 💕💋😘

Лучший комментарий


No problem :) I've been there and done all that it it sucks and it's depressing but you learn and your get over it and u do what's best for ur little :)
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you so much @cupcakecodi and lol the picture looked a lot better in my photos but it didn't post the full picture for some reason 😂 haha @mamalamadingdong
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
You will get through it ! Nothing changes you like a love for a baby ! Your baby ! It won't matter if it worked out with baby daddy or not because you will forever have the love of your life with you. I'm not with my first baby's daddy and I have to say it is for the best I tried to stay in a abusive relationship for the fact that he was me sons father but it only stressed out my son as well. We are no longer together and it is so much less stressful ! Good going momma you've got this don't worry about any one else but your baby because in the end they are what matters most 😇
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Where are you lol?! All I see is hair! 😂
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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