My son is struggling to poop. he hasn't been able to go since 8pm tuesday night. he will be 2 months on the 20th. at his 6 week appointment his doctor wasn't worried because she said the transition from breast milk to formula digests differently. but he's hurting so bad and I'm not sure what to do. I've done leg excersizes, tummy rubs, baths and tried the thermometer....

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They have this baby suppository at Walmart that works really good. Sometimes you have to do the unthinkable to make your baby feel better. My son went months with only pooping once a week sometimes two weeks. Now he's almost 8 months and poops 3-9 times a day
25.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son had the same problem, I started 2oz of warm water in his bottle right before his bath and rubbed his belly and leg exercises. Sounds nasty but he always had a Bowel movement, anything to get him to go! Now that he is off of breast milk completely he does a lot better naturally! Good luck!!
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
my daughter is going to be 3 months of the 18th and this happens sometime with her I rushed to the hospital and the doctor said it's normal for them to not poop for up to 5 days . I breast feed my daughter and I supplemented in the beginning and messed her up with her pooping so now I strictly breastfeed .
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
id just call and talk to ur dr tho b4 using anything
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
i had to use prune juice into my sons bottles until he was like 3 1/2 months old but i dont remember how old he was when i started. b prepared bc formula has a lot of iron which binds them up a lot, my son was constipated for 2 weeks until last wk
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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