So me and my child's dad is doin well but in my heart I kno this is not who I want to marry but he says he knows that I don't want to raise my child in two separate homes so he think we should live together. The problem is that we both want other ppl possibly n us being together would probably make our own life a tad bit difficult. I'm use to rules n regulations n he did not come from that so he's not use to that .... So either I'm going to bottle things in order to make him happy or vice versa ... I'm now 25 n I've been in relations with him since a child (15yrs old) n we are use to each other. But we have split up like a magnet we end up with each other. But never gave each other the title back so basically we jus fuck with each other but now there's a baby involved. Could someone with a little more experience please help me