Yessss girl it is good for our hair! I only wash my hair every 2-3 days and my husband thinks I'm so weird! I'm like hey I'm the cosmetologist here and I have nice hair so I must know what I'm doin right?? Haha 😂 @supermom1104 glad there's another person on here who knows what's up! 😉🙌🏼👍🏼
@queendavis, how it should be and you took the words out of my mouth and it's the same thing for our hair as well, the oiliness is actually good for our hair, washing too much dries it out @queendavis
Every couple days unless she has an accident in between. Babies skin contains natural oils and it isn't good to strip them of these oils, which bathing does. So unless my daughter has had a blowout or thrown up, then I bathe her every 3-4 days, it's what's recommended. But my two year old? He's in the bath twice a day normally 😂😂
I bathe my daughter Like every 3-4 days ....I don't think every night or every other night is necessary, maybe when she's older and touching more things and crawling playing on floor ect..
lol yeah sorry I should have been a lil more clear, I haven't had my coffee yet haha but yes 1 and half months but I put a lil bit of soap in the tub and don't let stay in it to long so their skin doesn't dry out, and I always put lotion on after. they love it! they splash and they are starting to laugh so they try to laugh while splashing, it's cute