Okay, I've seen other monies telling their stories, so here's mine. I was due on Christmas Eve but on December 15 I woke up at exactly midnight feeling sicker than a dog. I took a shower thinking maybe it would make me feel better but I also had the thoughts that maybe this was the beginning of labor for me. The shower didn't help me feel any better so I got out and continued vomiting. At 4 that morning I decided to time my contractions that I had been having since I woke up and they were about 4 minutes apart. I laid in bed with my husband until about 5:30 that morning and then we decided to wake up my MIL (we live in the same house). I called my OB's office at 8 when they opened and they told me to come in, so we packed up the bags and put them, and my yoga ball in the car. We took one car and my MIL took another, my drs office was about 30 minutes away and the ENTIRE time I was feeling sick to my stokack, but I managed to make it until we were about 5 minutes from the hospital until we had to pull over so I could vomit, lol. We got to the Dr's office and my OB checked me and told us that I was about 3cm and fully effaced and my water was bulging so they admitted me. I planned an all natural birth, but I later decided I couldn't do it because I couldn't focus on anything. The nurse gave me some medication for pain which didn't take the pain away it just made me feel super high and I didn't like it. I then opted for an epidural. They checked me about 5 hours later and said that because they gave me an epidural my contractions went from 2 minutes apart to 6 minutes apart so they gave me pitocin and made me lay on my right side with my left leg as high up on the "peanut ball" as I could get it for an hour, then switch to my left side and do the same with my right leg for an hour. From 2-4 I went from 4 cm dilated to 10 and I had my daughter at 16:53 that afternoon! And let me tell you, she is absolutely perfect! 😍💜