Had some period like cramps today and stomach tightening so I took a hot shower it got a little better but my stomach is like super hard and has been all day. Anyone know why?
hmm weird. Yea it only hurts when I'm standing like he's pushing down . I have an appointment tomorrow I guess I'll just bring it up to them just to ease my mind. @analisa_ag
@randirenee, I went to the E.R because my stomach all the muscles were tightened like I just did a hard core workout it hurt and I was having contractions but they told me sometimes some women get them more extreme then other moms but nothing to worry about
Yea I know what contractions and the Braxton feel like I'm just wondering why my stomach is all the sudden rock hard . like it's been solid since this morning. I'm wondering if he turned head down and that's why?!?! I'm not having any contraction anymore just stomach feels so much heavier and really hard @ohsoawwsum
if you did more activities today than normal or lifting your not use to, it can cause braxton hicks contractions, stress also can it's normal, but if you can time them, where it's not just random, you shouldn't have more than 8 an hour or 4 in 20 mins I'd what I was told in the ER last week lol I had to go but mine were actual contractions like I couldn't walk lol this is my 3rd pregnancy if they hurt to much...and your not sure, you can always call the nurse advice line, or go to the ER and they can monitor you. or call your doctor. if your worried always better to be safe than sorry