Tiffani Trigger-Little
Tiffani Trigger-Little
My Birth Story:
I was due to be induced November 25th since my son didn't come out on his actual due date of the 21st. The doctor called me at 9 am November 22nd & told me to come in that night to be induced. I got there, they put me in a gown, got my information, asked me questions, then proceeded to put in an IV. They poked me 5 times trying to get blood for my IV. One of those pokes damaged a nerve in my hand. They finally got my IV in & induced me! They upped my dosage by 2 every half hour so they can ease me in to the pain. They checked me as soon as I got there, I was 2cm 80% effaced. They checked me half an hour later & I was 2.5cm. They checked me an hour later & I was 4cm & that's when they broke my water. I spent the next half hour getting all the water out & walking up & down the hallway. They gave me pain medicine in my IV for when the contractions started. It didn't help. The next 2 hours I had contractions & asked if I could have more pain medicine to see if it would work that time & because they're supposed to give me pain medicine every 2 hours, I also asked for nausea medicine. They gave me both of them then immediately right after, gave me the epidural, then right after the epidural, they checked me & said I was 10cm & to start pushing. I didn't feel him come out, I didn't feel them stitching me up, I watched TV while pushing & was having full blown conversations while pushing. A nurse delivered my baby while the doctor stood there & watched TV the whole time. I practically watched him come out since I wasn't that big anyways, & I watched them stitch me up. That's how baby Cody was born. November 23, 2015 at 3:39 am, weighing 7lb 7.4oz 20 inches long

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