Ok so this may make me sound like a bad person but I need advice. so me and the baby's dad has been together since February of 2015. hes 15 years older than me and things were great well here recently things have changed alot and I'm starting to feel like I'm with my father and his age is starting to bother me and I'm starting to feel awkward with him like I'm falling out of love with him :( then I was at a friends house and this guy came over and he caught my attention we haven't done anything but talk but we get along so good and he's really nice and only 4 years older than me. He's willing to take me and the baby in and has his own house and job and things my current bf and I are still living with my parents cause he don't want to "rent" he wants to buy a home. and we don't have the money. I'm stressing out idk what to do my emotions are getting the best of me :'(

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@1sttimemama, I know it is but you have to try and put aside the hormones... if he's a good guy and he treats you right and is the father of you child then I'd think it wouldn't hurt to try... I know it may be inconvenient to still be living with family but it seems he had a good head on his shoulders if he wants to find a house and not waste money on renting.
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@missyowl92, it's just so hard to know if your doing the right thing when your pregnant :(
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Honestly, there was a reason you got with this guy and made a baby, there was something there and there probably still is but your hormones are getting in the way. Just because he's a bit older than you doesn't mean anything, it didn't when you met. I was the same way with my now husband. I felt like I was falling out of love with him and just being around him pissed me off and we argued constantly but I stuck it out for our son, still married him and things now have never been better and I am so happy I stuck it out because if I wouldnt have I would have never known what a great man he would have turned into and I know he'll be a great dad.
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I know. They are horrible! @taniell123
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
don't leave one relationship into another. at least not while ur pregnant. at this point in our lives the hormones have us and our thoughts completely irrational
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
He's such a good guy and stuff but I mean it's just different now and I don't wanna drag things out cause its not fair to him but I'm scared it won't last with the other guy even though he makes me happy. my family loves the one I'm with but Hates the other guy. I've had bad luck with men.
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
well if you don't feel like you're in love with him anymore then end things that's the worst to stay with someone who loves you but you don't like them back, its not fair to either of you!
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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