last night. I told my husband that I want to leave him. (not for another man. just for other reasons) and he just sat there staring at me. I asked him to say something and he said I would rather say nothing then end up with my foot in my mouth.. and I begged him to say something. I said "give me a reason to stay? or maybe don't leave?" and he responded with "well you already have your mind made up. so."...he's just gonna let me walk away. with our kids. smh.....

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@mango44, the best and most realest response. apart from the Praying comment.
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've heard of it. and watched the movie.:) we've also tried it before. bit didn't complete ot
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
read this book called the love dare. it works look it up. try it if you don't see changes then leave but try it.
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Hey I dont assume everyone in here is spiritual but pray(meditate) about it before you leave don't just act out if emotion. I know he lies about being bi-polar and blames for the problems in your relationship but that bi-polarism can be the reason he is doing all the wrong things. a disease is no excuse to fall on but look at it from that angle. In my marriage i give not expecting back i do it because i love him and sure it sucks because at times you compare minor things. but if it were my husband i would be play the roll of his friend at this point. what u can i do to help the person i love be his best self.
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
^ posted before i read the response. i think if you were looking for changes to make the relationship better, you should have went that route first to see if he'd be willing to compromise with you hun. a person struggling with bipolar disorder is not exactly the most empathetic of people, so i'm not surprised at his nonchalant attitude about you sayin that you were leaving. my brother is bipolar schizophrenic. you deal with them differently as far as emotions are concerned because they lack the ability to empathize with others emotional needs :(
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
then why are you upset about him not fighting for you if you've been dealing with all of his issues for so long. to me it sounds like you wanted out & that's an unhealthy environment for children and yourself. so if you're looking for change, why were you expecting him to fight for you to stay in a relationship with all of these problems when you sat him down with an already reached decision about leaving? i'm confused. did u just say it to see if he'd show some type of desperation about you staying with him? and what would that have changed as far as the problems in your relationship if he did?
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
even if it was for shouldnt keep giving us reasons to want to leave.....and to feel the need to say im leaving..we dont do it for no reasom
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
no I wasn't doing it for attention.. that's not a way to get attention
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I did sit him down actually. we talked the other night about things. and he acted like nothing happened. I want to leave because he doesn't care about our marriage. clearly. if he told me that he actually wanted me here and he would try then maybe we could talk about staying...
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
yeah. I mean out relationship is riddled with emotional abuse and mental abuse. he lied about being bi polar for our entire marriage while at the same time blaming me for everything that went wrong in our relationship. he doesn't take anything I say seriously. and he hasn't even kissed me since Christmas eve. He doesn't pay attention to our kids. (7 months and 3 years) so I'm scared to leave them with him.
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
i mean... you kind of didn't sit him down with an option by telling him you were ready to leave. any one would take that as your mind is made up. were you expecting him to beg and plead? did u just want some type of attention or what?
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
wow you said same thing
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
understandable why you want to leave obviously he doesn't fight for your relationship at all. it's like he doesn't even care. that would make me feel like leaving too.
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I don't understand. if you love someone, you don't let them walk away. like I'm ready to pack our stuff and leave. and it's like he doesn't care..
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
i hate guys more and more smh
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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