Sorry I have no one to talk to so I figured I'd post on here:/ I'm just so stressed. im being evicted from my apt, && literally have no where to stay. I feel like such a failure. I just had my son in november and I didn't work my last 5 months of pregnancy because of car problems. my boyfriend is a roofer so his job varied on the weather plus he spends his money on stupid shit, but I'm not even gonna go there. I went to DSS to try and apply for help because we really needed it. and they denied us because they said steven made to much money... then that afternoon Stevens boss fires him for going to that appoinment. so I'm like 2000 dollars behind on rent and even more for other bills. I have a 1 month baby, it's snowing, we have no car, none of our families will help us. my mom's trying to find a 3 bedroom so we can atleast stay with her until we find jobs out in the city because we're in the country currently. but she won't be able to do that until march. I really don't know what to do .😭😭😭😭

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I'm sorry you are in this situation, but he should put his child first... my husband worked three jobs and went to college full time at one point because I lost mine. We have a beautiful five month old and we struggle at times. He would suffer before he let my daughter, two dogs or I suffer. I am so lucky to have someone like him who works so hard so I cab raise our daughter and attend classes... not to sound like a bitch, but your boyfriend needs to get his priorities straight. I wish the best for you and your son!
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
My advice to you is go apply again, tell them that he was fired. You never have to include the other person's income if you're not married yet and go try to find some income based housing, there are a lot of programs out there. if all else fails go ask for help from a church. salvation army if you have it.
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm so sorry you are in the situation! i really wish i could help you in some way... i hate seeing people lose it all over hard times. next time doing include your man. i don't on any of my stuff even though we are living together but not married yet.
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
go with out him tell him ur done if he doesn't wanna man up and help ur going it alone i have to remind my husband family comes first and we are having our second child our first is 5 he has these 2 so called "friends" that are POS every time they are around we fight more and he knows it
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mom13, I have seriously been the biggest bitch. and he always turns it around on me, he's been acting like a child since I was pregnant. and now that Jaxons here he won't help me when he's crying he wakes up and goes immediately to his friends. like I'm so stressed out and he seems to think a miracle is gonna pop out of nowhere. I rly don't know where his heads at or if he's hiding his emotions but he gets so angry when I say something. it's beyond terrible. and I'm gonna try and go back it's just such a long process to just keep getting denied.
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Not going to lie ur situation sucks and i cant really give any adcice considering im from mi and dont know whats there to help u but id start with chewing out ur boyfriend for being immature and not putting his money for his family first instead of on bull shit time to grow the hell up but now that he has been fired see if you can get a new appointment for help
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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