My left leg is in soooo much pain and has been for about a day. It hurts to put pressure on it or walk around too much. The only relief I get is when I lay or sit down with my legs up 😢😢 I'm wondering if a warm bath might help 😔
Through 3 pregnancys and being around kids and family every ob has said its not good to take a bath. Mainly I believe it's taking a hot or warm bath. But I've also been told about the effect it can have on your baby and it increasing your chances or uti and yeast infections. I didn't say that's how I feel. Just what I've been told Google it. Or ask your ob. It's been 7 years since my last pregnancy. Now pregnant with twins and got reminded no baths or going in hot tubs. I think I took an occasional bath during both of my last pregnancys was just trying to let you know.
Try using icy hot and alternate ice and heat. You are not supposed to take baths if you are pregnant. If you are pregnant baby could be laying on a nerve causing the pain. Good luck!!