Regarding a post that I had made earlier on morning sickness like all I asked was.for on how to relieve it and instead I'm getting almost every single person telling me how bad Zofran is and how it can kill the baby and all this other stuff. I am not stupid. I KNOW the risks that come a long with this medication. This is my second pregnancy and I was sick this exact same way with my son and he will be 2 in April and is perfect. He was born a month and a half early due to other complications that had absolutely NOTHING. to do with zofran. The last thing I need is everyone telling me how bad this medication is I have enough going that stresses me out on a daily basis like being in the process of losing my.home due to financial status and possibly having cervical cancer and worrying about where me and my son are going to go and now worrying if im.going to "kill" my baby because of the medication my OBGYN prescribed me. I hate to be so negative and seem like such a bit*h because I'm the complete opposite of that but to sit here and keep reading all the negativity without zofran. without that I don't eat I don't drink anything I lay on the bathroom floor crying and eventually just dry heaving because I have absolutely nothing left in my stomach. I had already stated I know the dangers and everything else so I don't see the need for anyone to keep telling me.horror stories... LAST TIME I ASK FOR ADVICE HERE.

Лучший комментарий


I was told by my ob to take vitamin b6 with unisom(containing doxylamine) if I was really worried about taking zofran.
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Everyone thinks they know better than a doctor. If your OB prescribed it to you then they decided that the benefits outweigh any risks the medication might have. You do what works best for you mama.
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I vomited all 40 weeks because i had hyperemesis... I would drink small sips of ice cold sweetened green tea and it was heaven to me... That, and zofran... And my daughter is healthy as a horse... Let people who talk shit about zofran be the same women who didn't need it to survive. Women like myself and yourself would've died without it. I also tried these that didn't work; preggie pops, preggie pop drops, shortbread cookies, crackers, unsalted crackers, ramen noodles, rice, sea bands (helped a little), gatorade (could barely keep down any liquids) ginger tea, ginger ale, chicken broth, gin gins, etc. zofrans and waiting for the storm to pass i guess, praying for you girl
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@elismama2014, Yeah I've heard some people say it doesn't work for them. They have to be in an exact position and have both on for them to work. I slept in mine and never took them off for almost 8 weeks. It definitely doesn't get rid of it but I wasn't on the verge of puking 24/7 just queasy.
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I got mine at once upon a child @elismama2014
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Thank you ladies for the advice.! @mommytobe061016 where can you get preggie pops.?
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@jacesterlingsmommy, I tried a sea band like the wristband thing is that what you're talking about and it seemed to have no effect. The gum that sea band makes same company yet made the wrist band I bought it works for me for awhile but not long enough. I go through a 24 piece pack in like 3 hours
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Preggie pops helped me and I froze Gatorade in an ice cube tray and sucked on that throughout the day to keep me from getting so dehydrated. Hope it helps. Sorry for the other people. :/
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
sea bands helped me tremendously. I wouldn't of made it through my sickness without them. they are sold at cvs/walgreens.
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
peppermint, ginger, red rasberry leaf tea, vitamin b6 3 times a day, chew on fennel seeds, and preggie pops. Hope some of this will help you
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Your welcome stay strong
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@lakecturner, hm I'll have to try some..and thanks I appreciate it.!!
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I've heard that figs are good for morning sickness I'm sorry you are going through so much I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers of you ever need to talk to someone I'm here
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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