5:83 am up sick as usual. 19 weeks and 3 days.. still just as bad as the first few weeks. cannot find any relief and can barely keep anything down long enough to try and take my zofran. any suggestions..
And furthermore @elismama2014 good news for you... If you google the class action lawsuit... It only affects those babies in their first 3 months of conception... After my first 3 months i quit taking diclegis, switched to zofran and i stopped taking my prenatals and again... My kid is just fine!
my doc said not to take zofran if u r pregnant because it can lead to fetal defects and damage the baby or kill the baby. or cause a miscarriage all together. so she wouldnt prescribe it to me til after they did bloodwork.. im not pregnant. so shes gonna prescribe it to me. apparently its that serious
I am only 13 weeks, but my nausea is HORRIBLE. I take promethazine, which is generic finagrin and you don't have to eat before you take it. I just take mine when I wake up& about 30 minutes later I feel much better and able to eat. after I took that for a while, I don't need it as much anymore. my nausea isn't that bad now. it used to be all day everyday.
Yeah my.doctor has told me.of the risks but the severity of my nausea and vomiting outweigh the risks. and they've also not proven anything its a huge question mark. I was on Zorn my entire pregnancy with my son who is now 20 months and he was perfectly healthy besides being born a month and a half early. But thank you ladies for the advice definitely going to try some.ginger ale I get ginger gum from was greens and it helps for like the first about half hour then I'm right back sick.
If you have to take Zofran in order to eat, and function during the day then do what you need to do to give your baby nourishment. There is a risk with birth defects from anything you take. I'm sorry you are feeling this way! I lost 10 lbs because I kept throwing up and couldn't eat anything. Do what you need to do!
dont take Zofran. causes birth defects. ask your dr about unisome. drink ginger ale lemon water mints lay on your left side dont eat anything greasy or starchy. you may not find relief. I still get morning sickness sometimes at 30 weeks..