I don't know if anyone is in the same boat as me. But my bf and I have been fighting on and off for about 2 months now our baby is 5 months old at first I was a stay at home mom but the bills weren't getting paid because he is careless with his money and not responsible so I went back to my job just working weekends but I think it's bullshit that I still have to do everything!!! Clean, take care of our two kids on the weekends he just sits on his ass and plays video games all day.. There are times where I just want to walk away because I just can't take it anymore I feel like I have a third child......

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If he wants me to be a wife he needs to start acting like a husband... Lol oh trust me I tell him what's on my mind and I've tried everything different ways of asking being nice to him or just straight up telling him how it is nothing works it will be good for a day and right back to his old ways but of course I'm trying to make things work because I do love him and we have a baby together but I can only take so much.. I hope I'm not overreacting :(
29.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
been there . I work thirds and watch my 1 yr old daughter through thr days and get about 3 hrs of sleep a day for the same reason.... but guess what I made him realize this is life... and my daughter isn't even his blood daughter but trust and belive he is getting on his A game because we mean that much to him. so you shouldn't take anything less than that
29.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
everyone used to tell me and still does it part of being mommy and "wife" but I'm like look it's 2016 it takes 2 to hold a healthy foundation and household together. I'd make him realize he needs to stsrt helping you or go find someone who doesn't care about things just like him girl
29.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Just to mention.. He got laid off work for two weeks so I'm picking up some hours .. I think I'm just more irritated because he gets a mini vacation and still has me doing everything.. Uhhhh... I'm sorry I just need to rant and let it out somewhere
29.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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