so my son is 3 months now. but I wanted to share my story, all threw my pregnancy I was paranoid about losing my bby while pregnant or at birth, why?Idk I'm jus a stress ball. lol but I was lucky and blessed to have a healthy bby boy. but it's turned out my bby wasn't the one to be worried bout it was me. so here's my long as story.
Sept 23, in the morning I had cramps but I thought it was normal. but they were frequently so I started to time the pain. they were 8 to 9 mins apart. so I thought I'm probably in labor. I told my self with this pregnancy I was gonna wait till I couldn't take the pain anymore and go to the hospital. so I began to clean, move my dresser and sweep. still timing my contractions. now they were 3 or 5 mins apart. and let me say the pain was horrible. it felt like I was going to poop. so 2pm I call my brother to pick me up. my boyfriends at work. while I wait for him to come. I shower, change me 2 yr old who was playing around smh. and I was in so much pain. I was crying. it was hard to walk. my brother got here. and the drive to the hospital took for ever. my contractions were back to back and there was so much traffic. finally I get to the hospital at 3 pm, I meet my boyfriend there he was waiting for me at the entrance with a wheel chair. once I get to the labor and delivery I was having contractions I couldn't talk. so once the nurses seen me they went from being calm to rushing me to a room and hooking me up. let jus say the pain felt horrible n i couldn't take it. I right away said I wanted the shot. so they checked me. and in was 6 cm. me and my boyfriend looked at each other like wtf. the nurse said bbys coming today. so they they gave the shot. but I still was feeling the pain. I asked them to give me more and they couldn't because I had to wait 30 mins for it to kick in. 30 mins passed and they checked me again. and I was at 9cm. the shot wasn't working I felt everything. I felt like I was going to poop big. I was in so much pain I couldn't control my breathing. and I was upset ing the bby they put me on the oxygen. my doctor came checked me and said it was time, so he popped my water bag. he left to get dressed and prepare himself. but once he poped it I started to feel a burning sensation down there. omg I started yelling it burns it burns. lol I felt it stretching, so the nurse checked me and screamed doctor doctor. . lmao. the doctor left the room for a few seconds he didn't even hit the corner when the nursed called him. his head was coming right after on its own. the doctor came in and told me not to push lol the bby came out with the help of the doctor. I didn't push once. he was born at 4:41pm. I Literlly felt my son come out and the shot finally kicked in after he came. lol. so they did what they do down there. long story short I was bleeding too much. they gave me all kinds of medication to stop the bleeding nothing helped. they started weighing my blood. the doctor came in and looked concern that's when I knew something wasn't right. they had to do a d& c. and it turned out I had left over placenta. thank god everything else after that went good. I had to get a blood transfusion, because I lost a unit of blood. but I thank God my bby was ok. and I came out ok after. my boyfriend was so worried and it was jus scary, to think of the worst. and that's my long as story. Jus glad I didn't wait another hr at home. I probably would of had him at home or in the car. lol