I got put on the sleeping pill unisom for vomiting because I ended up losing 18 lbs in like a month! ask about that. only thing I don't like is it gives me weird dreams
I haven't, they tried Zofran, it actually makes me vomit, but the good news is I'm back up to my pre-pregnancy weight this week. lost ten pounds, was all baby and hospitalized multiple times also. maybe I'm making my way out since I'm back up to 140? sure doesn't feel like it today though...
I have it! I got it at about 8 weeks.. they put me on phenergan and after taking that every night until about 22 weeks, I was finally able to go off! I am now 28 weeks and still no signs of its return.. I weighed 140 when I got pregnant by week 8 I weighed 125, I now weigh 141 :) have you tried phenergan?
I am and it is miserable. I'm in the er literally every two to three days because the nausea and vomiting gets so severe. they've put me some nausea medication but it's not helping at all. I'm literally skin bones and all baby. I'm 18 weeks weigh 112 I weight 120 before becoming pregnant. I have an appointment with my ob January 5th to see what options I have. so sorry your going through this.