Was having contractions, strong ones and they were timing right for us to go in to l&d... the checked my cervix and I was still only dilated one centimeter. 80% afaced. Because I'm still only at one they sent me home with a sleep aid to help with the contractions. It isn't. These contractions are horrible. They basically told me to go home and suffer through them until they are literary too painful to walk. So I have to suffer through labor at home until it feels like it is going to kill me, and then they will see if I have dilated more. They refuse to induce me because it's not my due date. which means unless my cervix can open up better, I will be in active labor for a week. Or I will have to get a c section. I need help mamas. this isn't right. this isn't humane. how can I get my cervix to dilate better?

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Most states can't induce legally before 40 week unless there's a medical issue at hand😕
19.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Aw poor thing. It's not right but it's how it goes! There's no need to induce you though your body is doing what it needs to! Do you have an exercise ball? You can bounce on it and roll your hips, power walk for 2 hours straight, put a buuuunch of pillows between your legs to open up your pelvis, dance swaying your hips, get on your hands and knees and rock forwards and backwards. Anything to get your oxytocin going and baby to lower/put pressure on your cervix.
19.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I've been in labor for a week but he can't induce me. just gives me steroids and shots since I'm 36 weeks
19.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
If it's any consolation Dr doesn't typically let a mom labor for more than 48 hours before intervening
19.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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