At how many weeks does your doc to start to check your cervix for dilation & effaced ? I'm 37 weeks tomorrow &. I have a dr appointment I just want some head ups lol
I just had my cervix checked and it was pretty unpleasant. Just a lot of pressure. It felt weird for sure. Made me think that I should probably get an epidural haha. But it really depends on your doctors. I was supposed to move and have a new doctor, and he told me that no one in that town would check your cervix for dilation because of something to do with MRSA. But this week I was checked because of possible pre-term labor but they only wanted to check once because it can irritate it. So it's probably a combination of your pregnancy, and your doctors ways of doing things.
They'll probably start tomorrow. Being checked can cause contractions sometimes, and they probably want to wait til 37 weeks to do so, cause that's when it's safe for baby to come out. Precautionary.
I was first checked at my 36wk appt and I'm getting checked again on Monday at 39wks. Its really not that bad, I just try to think of something else to make it seem less awkward and uncomfortable
I saw them check my sisters when she was in labor & she was yelling lol but that could've just been the contractions, but she did tell me it doesn't feel good @jquanmom0107
Some doctors won't do it till your 39 weeks some do it when your 36 weeks I think it just depends on the doctor and if you have any signs of going into labor early