@kermi86, oh dang :( the biggest my oldest measured was six days ahead of my due date. This one was five days so they changed my due date. I couldn't imagine having to do a c section I seen a video on one of those during my child birth class and I got light headed. Prayers he stays in till your due date.
@lgarza23, I didn't mean I wanted him to come sooner just that I keep measuring three weeks ahead for the last few appts and this is my second so my doctor told me he may be earlier than the 22nd. I have to have a repeat c-section unfortunately but I was able to convince my doctor to let me NOT schedule the date he's born and actually go into labor and then come in to the hospital and they will do the surgery...I didn't want to determine his birthday and I definitely didn't want him to not be ready to come I'm just hoping he stays in as close to my due date as he can!