My baby is also having a hard time with my boyfriend since I've gone back to work 2 weeks ago.
Everytime he touches him, or talks to him he screams.
I work graveyards, and draiden is keeping him up all night long screaming, but as soon as I'm home he stops crying and he won't let me put him down.
I would love to be with him more, but I have to work to pay the bills.
How did you guys handle the attachment issue when you went back to work?

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glad im not the only one who had to deal with thing.
10.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
it's hard I also work night shift 5pm to 330am its a 35 min drive if no traffic sometimes I don't get home till like 530 because over time, I hate it and am really looking into switching to day shift my bf works in the same place but he is day shift , he does good with the kids at night but when they are fussy or sick he gets overwhelmed and is constantly txting or calling me I cried in my office the first week of going back lol
10.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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